United Nations (New York) organising the First ever Pakistan Film Festival


Thank you United Nations Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi and the Permenant Mission to the United Nations (New York) for organising the First ever Pakistan Film Festival. Extremely humbled and honored to be a part of this. Let's continue to support Art and Cinema!

One of the important missions of my life is to support Arts and good scripted theatre and cinema! Because I need revolutionary changes in my society and can be only possible with the promotion of arts. But I need help from the artists of this Country

#Mahirakhan she is good actor. May be a good mother. A pretty fatal women. Good looking. Confident century girl. But I hate her..... no hates. Just telling my opinion.

And your drama bin roye is the best drama ever u always give us good serials to watch thank u mahira Khan. Life can give us lots of beautiful persons... but only one person is enough for a beautiful life!

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